Data privacy

Data protection and security

All data sent to via e-mail-comment is strictly kept confidential and will not be accessible for the general public. Personal data will neither be published nor forwarded to any individual or institution.

External links

The website includes external links of third parties (mostly Research Institutions). These institutions are exclusively responsible for their websites' content.

Online privacy statement

Every time a user accesses a page of the website and every time a file is requested, data about this occurrence is temporarily saved and processed in a log file. Here is a list of the data that is saved each time someone accesses our site or requests files from it:

IP address/DNS name, date and time of request, page requested/name of requested file, volume of data transmitted, operating system used, browser used, success status - whether request was successful.

This data is assessed for statistical purposes only so that we can improve our range of online services. The information is not used for any other purpose and is not disclosed or passed on to a third party.

When visiting individual pages, session cookies are used temporarily to make it easier to navigate around the site. These cookies expire when the session is closed and do not contain personal data. Programmes such as Java Applets or ActiveX controls, which make it possible to track access information on the user, are not used.

Anonymized usage analysis with Matomo

This website employs the web analytics software Matomo, which is recommended by data privacy experts. By automatically anonymizing/pseudonymizing the IP address with the plug-in AnonymizeIP, the data stored can no longer be assigned to specific people. This prevents the usage data or usage profile from being connected with data that could identify the user.

What data is stored with the web analytics software Matomo?
Every time a website on the Internet is visited and every time data is accessed, browsers usually communicate data. Of the data that is conveyed when you visit this website, following informations are stored:
- Browsertyp / -version
- Operating system
- Referrer-URL (the referring page)
- Time of server request
- Pages and data accessed
- Anonymized IP address
- Country of origin

Hints for webtracking
You can decide whether you wish the data listed above to be tracked, analyzed, and described statistically by the site owner.

Your visit to this website is currently not registered by Matomo web analytics.

Click here to permit Matomo to register your visit.